My best friend from High School

 In the high school, I had five best friends, but currently, my only best friend from school is Karina. She is a very calm and intelligent person.She studying Terapia Ocupacional in the USACH. I think that she will be a very good proffessional, because her heart is very big. We have been best friends since we were 13 years.  We met because she wecolmed me when I was new at school. She was my partner in the clasroom for five years. We spend a lot of time together because we live closeto each other.  We enjoyed go to dinner and watch romantic movies. Also, we read the same books and comment about the characters.Karina is a lot of fun to talk to, because always has something funny to say. Karina has a dog, her name is "Pimienta", its very adorable. 

Today i go to visit my best friend. We cook panqueques while watching a movie


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